Robert G. Miletich

1926 - 2003

Korean WarWWII

Their Story

Robert G. Miletich was born on September 28, 1926, in Hocking, Iowa, to Steve and Catherine Rose Miletich.1 Prior to enlisting in the U.S. Army in September of 1946,2 Miletich attended the University of Iowa.3 After serving in the Army for around eight months, Miletich was discharged on June 8, 1947.4

On January 30, 1951, Miletich married Mildred “Jean” Stoltenberg, whom he had met while studying at the University of Iowa.5 In March, Miletich enlisted to serve in the Korean War.6 While in Korea, he served as first sergeant, Company B, Fourth Signal Battalion. The role of the battalion was to provide communication facilities to the 10th Corps. In early 1952, Miletich was promoted to the rank of master sergeant,7 and on December 31, 1952, he was honorably discharged at the rank of master sergeant.8

After his discharge, Miletich began working for the Army Management Engineering Training Agency (AMETA), located at the Rock Island Arsenal.9 AMETA was a military institution located at the Arsenal since 1952. It served as an educational program, which trained students in “weapons activities, data processing, and related defense programs.”10 In 1976, Miletich, and two colleagues received the Army Award, for their work in material acquisition for the years 1970, 1971, and 1972. The men were also honored for their part in the establishment of the Defense Systems Management School.11 After retiring from AMETA, Miletich served as the chief executive officer of PECO Enterprises Inc, located in Davenport, Iowa.12

Miletich was a devoted member of St. Anne Catholic Church; he also loved to play golf13, and was celebrated in The Dispatch, for a hole in one while playing at the Arsenal Golf Club, in 1973.14 On March 29, 2003, Miletich passed away at Trinity Medical Center, West Campus, Rock Island. He was survived by his wife, Mildred, their six children, six grandchildren, brothers, Steve and Fred, and his sister, Ann.15


1“Robert Miletich,” The Rock Island Argus, Moline, Illinois, 31 March 2003, p.6, 31 Mar 2003, 6 – The Rock Island Argus at

2“Robert G. Miletich in the U.S., Department of Veterans Affairs BIRLS Death File, 1850-2010, ancestry, n.d., U.S., Department of Veterans Affairs BIRLS Death File, 1850-2010 –, accessed 5 November 2022.

3“Robert Miletich Promoted to Grade of Sergeant in Korea,” Quad City Times, Davenport, Iowa, 31 January 1952, p.11, 31 Jan 1952, 11 – Quad-City Times at

4“Robert G Miletich in the U.S., Department of Veterans Affairs BIRLS Death File, 1850-2010,” ancestry.

5“Mildred ‘Jean’ Miletich,” The Rock Island Argus, Rock Island, Illinois, 25 July 2012, p.7, 25 Jul 2012, 7 – The Rock Island Argus at

6“Robert G Miletich in the U.S., Department of Veterans Affairs BIRLS Death File, 1850-2010,” ancestry, n.d., U.S., Department of Veterans Affairs BIRLS Death File, 1850-2010 –, accessed 24 October 2022.

7“Robert Miletich Promoted to Grade of Sergeant in Korea,” Quad City Times, Davenport, Iowa.

8“Robert G Miletich in the U.S., Department of Veterans Affairs BIRLS Death File, 1850-2010,” ancestry.

9“Robert Miletich,” The Rock Island Argus, Moline, Illinois.

10“Army announces AMETA stays on island,” The Dispatch, Moline, Illinois, 28 March 1979, p6, 28 Mar 1979, 6 – The Dispatch at

11“Army honors three employees,” The Rock Island Argus, Moline, Illinois, 15 April 1976, p.17, 15 Apr 1976, 17 – The Rock Island Argus at

12“Robert Miletich,” The Rock Island Argus, Moline, Illinois.

13“Robert Miletich,” The Rock Island Argus, Moline, Illinois.

14“Miletich Fires Ace At Arsenal,” The Dispatch, Moline, Illinois, 21 May 1973, p.33, 21 May 1973, 33 – The Dispatch at

15“Robert Miletich,” The Rock Island Argus, Moline, Illinois.