Their Story

Nicholas Theodore Kloppenborg was a Davenport, Iowa native. He was born to parents Nicholas and Victoria Kloppenborg on June 19, 1953[1]. He had eight other siblings and “graduated from Davenport West High School in 1971”[2]. Post-graduation Nicholas Kloppenborg decided to serve in the United States Marine Corps. During this time he was sent to serve in two significant U.S. battles, the first being the Vietnam War which was intended to stop the spread of Communism in Vietnam. Around this time he also married his wife, Deborah Nissen Kloppenborg. She was also a native to Davenport and the two were married on April 20, 1974 in Holy Family Catholic Church[3]. Following this, SSGT Kloppenborg was sent to fight again in the Persian Gulf War. Since many are unfamiliar with the premise of this war we will delve into what was going on at this time. To put it briefly, Saddam Hussein was President of Iraq. He decided to storm Kuwait in hopes of taking control and using “that nation’s vast oil revenues to bolster Iraq’ economy”[4]. However, their attempt was quickly resisted by the United Nations when American troops protected the security of the Kuwait nation. Here American soldiers such as Nicholas Kloppenborg put up a perilous fight to protect the rights and resources of Kuwait. Staff Sergeant Kloppenborg was able to return home to the Quad Cities and continue his legacy within the community.
He worked for Kraft Foods until retirement and was “a former member of the Scott County Sheriff’s Department reserve”[5]. In his free time he participated in the Blue Knights Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club which “is a non-profit fraternal organization consisting of active and retired law enforcement officers who enjoy riding motorcycles” [6]. Most importantly, he and his wife had three children and one grandchild[7]. Through his family and friends the memory of his love and dedication for our country will not be forgotten. Additionally, his Navy Achievement medal is a sign to all that he “performed commendably in routine duties or exceptional achievements”[8].
Nicholas Theodore Kloppenborg was a brave American who spent a hefty portion of his life protecting and providing for American civilians.

[1] “Nicholas T. ‘Ted’ Kloppenborg.” Quad-City Times. February 21, 2021.
[2] “Nicholas Theodore Kloppenborg.” Find a Grave. February 21, 2021.
[3] “Vow Dates are Chosen: Nissen-Kloppenborg.” Quad-City Times. May 24, 1974.
[4] “Saddam Hussein.” Britannica. April 24, 2022.
[5] “Nicholas T. ‘Ted’ Kloppenborg.” Quad-City Times. February 21, 2021.
[6] “Blue Knights International- About Us.” Blue Knights International Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club, Inc. June 27, 2018.
[7] “Nicholas T. ‘Ted’ Kloppenborg.” Quad-City Times. February 21, 2021.
[8] “Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal.” USAMM. May 14, 2022.