Milo James Tyler

1922 - 1984

Marine Corps.
Korean WarVietnam WarWWII

Their Story

Milo James Tyler served the United States as a Marine across three wars; World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War. Tyler was born in Chicago, Illinois to Charles Royce Tyler and Effie E. Schaffer, who all later relocated to Beloit, Wisconsin when Milo was a child. Tyler was drafted into the Marine Corps to join the fight for freedom against the Axis Powers in the Second World War. Tyler was called to service as a result of the Selective Service Act of 1940, which was enacted by congress in order to prepare for the looming conflict that would become World War II, “Those who were selected from the draft lottery were required to serve at least one year in the armed forces. Once the U.S. entered WWII, draft terms extended through the duration of the fighting. By the end of the war in 1945, 50 million men between eighteen and forty-five had registered for the draft and 10 million had been inducted in the military.” Tyler would serve as a Marine throughout the entirety of the Second World War, seeing the victory of the Allies over fascism in Europe and Asia.

Tyler’s service would continue through the Korean War (Jun 25, 1950 – Jul 27, 1953) and the Vietnam War (Nov 1, 1955 – Apr 30, 1975), with Tyler attaining the second highest rank available to an enlisted soldier, Sergeant Major. The Marine Corps website details the role of a Sergeant Major as, “the principal enlisted advisor for a senior Marine commander, making high level strategic decisions that impact the entire Marine Corps.” While not much is recorded of Tyler’s specific actions within the Marine Corps, it is evident through his rank that Tyler’s experience as a Marine built up over the course of three wars was highly valued by his senior commander.

Tyler would ultimately be discharged on account of his health after a heart attack during his third deployment in Vietnam. Tyler would return home to his wife and four children and would begin his civilian career working as the manager of a Hardee’s restaurant in North Carolina. Tyler was well-loved by his family; described by his granddaughter Sheri Ballard as being, “Wonderful… couldn’t have asked for a better grandfather.” Tyler passed away on September 23rd, 1984, and was interred in the Rock Island National Cemetery on the Rock Island Arsenal. Two years later, Tyler’s wife Ruby would pass away and be laid to rest beside him. The couple were survived by their children Timothy, Edwin, Mike, and Linda, as well as six grandchildren.

Milo James Tyler’s career in the Marine Corps showcases the courage and dedication to duty of the Greatest Generation. Tyler served in three of the most devastating conflicts of the 20th century, not stopping in his service to his country until he was forced to on account of a heart attack. This relentless defense of freedom is virtuous beyond comparison. It is an understatement to say that Tyler’s later life as a successful restaurant manager, beloved of his children and grandchildren, was well deserved for a hero of three wars.