Janice Kay McDonald DeVine

1954 - 2011

Persian Gulf

Their Story

            Janice Kay DeVine (McDonald) was born on April 30, 1954, to Paul Avon McDonald and Jean Elizabeth Myers McDonald, at Ardmore Air Force Base, Oklahoma. Her father served in the Army Air Corps and Air Force from December 1945 to December 1946 and January 1948 to January 1952.

            DeVine served in the U.S. Army for 12 years, including during the Persian Gulf War. The Gulf War began when Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein invaded neighboring Kuwait. When Iraqi forces overran Kuwait, and seemed poised to invade Saudi Arabia, a U.S.-led coalition of military forces intervened.[1] DeVine was one of approximately 26,000 female U.S. Army Soldiers operating in the Persian Gulf War. These women served in a variety of non-combat roles, including air traffic controllers, truck drivers, radio operators, law enforcement specialists, and many more.

Despite being restricted from combat roles, some women were engaged in combat by enemy forces. Army women like DeVine served in combat and service support units that, due to the rapidly changing nature of the lines of battle, could come into conflict with the enemy.[2] Whether DeVine was one of these women who were engaged in combat with Iraqi forces is unrecorded. However, she did receive two medals for her service in the Gulf War: the Army Commendation Medal for consistent heroism or meritorious service, and the Army Achievement Medal awarded for similar reasons of a non-combat nature.[3] DeVine earned the rank of sergeant over her twelve years of service.[4]

            After her discharge from the Army, DeVine moved to Bettendorf, Iowa. She resided there with her husband Steven, whom she married in Clarksville, Tennessee, in 1982. She had two sisters, and enjoyed spending time with her numerous loving nieces and nephews. She and Steven also enjoyed the company of their beloved dog, Dude.

 DeVine was diagnosed with cancer in 2010. After a courageous year-long battle with the disease, DeVine passed away on July 13, 2011, at Trinity Medical Center in Bettendorf.[5] Janice Kay DeVine leaves behind a legacy of a life spent amongst the military, and the meritorious service and dedication she showed the Armed Forces throughout that life.

Janice Kay Devine’s memorial page – Honor Veterans Legacies at VLM (va.gov)

[1] T. Editors of Encyclopedia. “Persian Gulf War.” Encyclopedia Britannica, August 23, 2022.

[2]Women in the U.S. Navy: Historic Documents,” Naval History and Heritage Command, November 30, 2017.

[3]Arcom – Army Commendation Medal,” USAMM, accessed September 10, 2022; “Army Achievement Medal,” USAMM, accessed September 10, 2022.

[4]Janice Kay McDonald Devine,” Find a Grave, July 14, 2011,.

[5]Janice Kay McDonald Devine,” Find a Grave, July 14, 2011.